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Wednesday 13th March

Venue: The Raven, 85 Renfield St. , City Centre

from 7pm 

FREE / Saor in aisce



PopUp Gaeltacht

Part of Féile Phádraig Ghlaschú (Glasgow St Patrick's Festival) 2024 and Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024 (!

Tá Pop-Up Gaeltacht ag teacht ar ais go Glaschú !
Pop-Up Gaeltacht coming back to Glasgow !

Bhí an céad Pop-Up Gaeltacht i gcroílár mBaile Átha Cliath i 2016 agus tá sé i ndiaidh dul ó neart go neart, le níos mó ná 200 ar siúl ó shin ar fud na hÉireann agus ar fud an domhain - mar sin tá sé go hiomlán thar am cheann eile a bheith againn i nGlaschú! .

Since the first 'Pop-Up Gaeltacht' in Dublin in 2016 there have been well over a 200 held , around Ireland and all over the world , so it's well past time for another one in Glasgow!

Is smaointe simplí ata i gceist - daoine ag bailiú le chéile chun a gcuid Ghaeilge a úsáid agus cúpla deoch a ól agus sin é.
Ní rang ná grúpa comhrá é - gnáth-oíche a bheidh ann ach le Gaeilge!

The idea is simple – folk gathering together to use whatever Irish they have and to have a few drinks while doing so. It’s not a class nor a conversation group – just a regular night out but le Gaeilge!

Bí cinnte nach oíche dírithe do chainteoirí líofa amháin a bheidh ann, tá fáilte roimh chách!

Not just for fluent speakers - all welcome!
Just come and give it a go!

Bígí linn fa choinne an craic!!!!

Tuilleadh eolais / More Info: / 07866453708


© Copyright Glasgow St Patricks Festival  The Glasgow St. Patrick's Festival is operated by the St. Patrick's Festival Committee who are a non-profit organisation whose aim is to promote positive views of Irish Culture in Glasgow and to be an example to other ethnic communities by celebrating cultural identity and active citizenship

All rights reserved 

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